Cosmetic acupuncture ( also referred to as facial rejuvenation acupuncture) is an effective treatment to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, helping you to feel and look rejuvenated without the need for surgery. The treatment stimulates the cells to lay down new collagen fibres and to relax tense muscles, elimating puffiness and the common signs of aging.
Facial Acupuncture treatments were recently reviewed in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture which researched the effects of the treatment in 300 cases. Of these, 90 percent had marked effects over a course of treatment, including: improvement of the elasticity of facial muscles; levelling of wrinkles; and overall rejuvenation.
The treatment lasts approximately 90 minutes. Ultra fine needles are inserted into specific points in the face in order to improve the skins elasticity, muscle tone and general appearance.
A course of 6 weekly treatments is recommended for long term results with a follow up treatment recommended every 2 months.
Please feel free to call us if you have any questions.
Tel: 07756 557 669
Email: [email protected]
Healthy Roots in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 3pm
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 10am - 3pm